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Thankful for the Scars

Suffering is a means to knowing Christ more deeply and personally. I’ve been journaling for about six years now, and as I look back at my past journal entries, I recognize a common theme behind all of them: God’s hand was over every single detail of my life experiences—especially those of suffering.

Although it isn’t necessarily God’s will for us to suffer, He is very good at turning what the Enemy meant for evil into our good (Genesis 50:20). What that means is this: Satan tempts us to fail, but God tests us to succeed. God can use our suffering for our good, bringing us to know and experience the suffering of Christ and the faithfulness of God the Father.

If it weren’t for such heartaches, I would not have known such comfort. If it weren’t for such hurt, I would not have known such healing. If it weren't for such sorrows, I would not have known such joy. If it weren’t for such discouragements, I would not have known such encouragement. If it weren’t for such betrayals, I would not have known such faithfulness. If it weren’t for such hatred, I would not have known such love. If it weren't for such evil, I would not have known such goodness. If it weren’t for such sins, I would not have known such forgiveness. If it weren’t for such losses, I would not have known such gain. If it weren’t for such sufferings, I would not have known such Christ. I’m thankful for the scars.


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