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A Prayer of Hope for the Hopeless

“The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit” (Psalm 34:18).

Father, I depend on You. I wait on the renewal of strength that only You can provide. In You, I know I will run and not be weary. You set me on eagles’ wings to soar above every circumstance of heartache.

I lift my eyes to where my help comes from. I set my gaze to the unseen where every wrong will be made right. I unfocus on my present trials of suffering to meditate on Your goodness to me. I remember that You will finish the work You started in me. I trust that You mean this for my good. My God—my true living hope—I hope in You.

Remind me of these very things, Father. Remind me that You take my shame and set me free from past sins and mistakes. Remind me that You extend Your righteous right arm to me, providing unconditional grace and love. Remind me that You are near my broken heart and bring eternal comfort to my restless soul. Remind me that You are my peace when the voices of the Enemy surround me. Remind me that You are never out of reach.

Nothing that I face can ever separate me from Your love, Jesus. Even when I may not understand the hurt or have the answers, I know that You are never far from me. Draw me close and teach me to abide. Amen.


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