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A High Perspective

It is winter in Chicago. The sun is nowhere to be seen. The skies are nothing but grey and gloomy. I’m on a flight to Sacramento, and as the flight begins to take off, I take a moment to gaze out the window. The flight begins to ascend higher and higher. I pass through the clouds, and, all of a sudden, I am above the clouds. I see the ocean-like sky with clouds as waves crashing against each other just like the waves of the sea. And finally, I see the blazing sun in all its glory, providing its light and warmth to the earth. This beauty I had not seen before under the gloominess. This beauty I would not have seen if I had stayed under the gloominess.

Perhaps we are like that in our lives, aren’t we? Amidst our trials and afflictions, we don’t see what God is doing. Amidst the mundane in life, we feel like God isn’t moving or speaking. We ask Him questions. We want answers. Not only do we want answers, but we want them now. What if we elevated our perspective, trusting that God is doing something even if we don’t see it or feel it? What if we set our eyes on His promises in the future rather than fixating on the present gloominess of life?

One verse in Scripture keeps me going, and I hope it does the same for you, too. In Philippians 1:6, the Apostle Paul says, “And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”

This verse is not a self-centered one, rather, it is a God-centered one. It’s not about the work in me; it’s about the One who is doing the work in me. He’s not done, yet. He isn’t going to abandon His sanctifying work in me. He isn’t going to forsake me when life gets gloomy. He will sustain me through the thick and thin of life. He will be with me in seasons of joy and sorrow.

Though the future is unbeknownst to me, my God is not. As long as I know Him, I no longer need to worry about what the future brings because I know that God is sovereign and in control over all things. I will put my trust in the Father who is working all things for my good through the prayers of the Holy Spirit to prepare me for the future glory that I have in Jesus Christ.

No sorrow is wasted. No heartache is buried. The Lord has a plan that transcends the gloominess of life. Shift your view to a high perspective to not see what is seen but to see what is unseen: the future glory of eternal life with our Wonderful Counselor—Jesus.

It is there that He will wipe our tears. It is there that death, sorrow, crying, and pain will no longer exist. Jesus will make all things new. Jesus is our loving Comforter.


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